Requiem in Flight
The propeller hitched as the engine caught, causing the plane to wobble fiercely. In the cockpit, a young woman, alone, tried the radio again, to no avail. Outside, the storm loomed, as if taunting her, telling her she'd wasted her time. There was no chance that she would make it in time now. She knew she'd done her best, but was unable to stop her thoughts from turning to the people who'd been counting on her. As her mind drifted, the plane's flight grew more erratic, buffeted by gale force winds, at times dangerously close to the dark clouds. Tears blossomed in her eyes as her hands tightened on the yoke. Desperation driven, she tried the radio one more time. A bright flash illuminated the sky, shaking her entire body for eternal moments before all fell still. As her eyes opened, she could see only darkness tightly encircling her. Faintly, she heard music, slow and solemn in its lull. After a few moments, she felt as if the darkness had lifted her, carrying her in...