Painting done by the amazing @artfully_antoine on Instagram! Dawn breaks, unending As the world awakens to Dream through another day So fleeting amongst all else A second to breathe, just a blink And so life goes on Pushing all to look to the future, For so quick does the present Fall under the grey shroud of The past, an oblivion that Haunts the future, for memory Dwells in a slower time, Tainting all that will be With all that has already been As the sun crests its noonday apex, Hope dances with pain, blended beyond Recognition, for as tomorrow approaches Yesterday has not yet gone to join the Memories of yesteryear, lingering to Tarnish all the memories yet to be made, Wilting the blossoming dreams before they Have the chance to bloom, And so life goes on, Uncaring, unyielding to the struggles of Everlasting time, forever unbroken Regardless of how memory drags on, Falling further and further astray, Unable to float atop the endless river Of past...